How Can I Setup Sublime Text Editor For Competitive Programming

How Can I Setup Sublime Text Editor For Competitive Programming

Coding Environment Setup

sublime is the best text editor for Competitive Programming. Also, it is a lite weight text editor and You can use file input-output so easily Handel big input-output.

So, for setup sublime before you need to prepare your computer.

Install C/C++ compiler :

  • windows
  • For linux run this command. pacman is my package manager. Here you can use your package manager command. It's for arch-based Distro. sudo pacman -Syu gcc
  • Mac os

Install Sublime

Now it's time to install Sublime on your Computer. Goto Sublime Offical Site and download sublime for your current Operating System.

Let's Setup Our Sublime

1 . First Do partition your sublime screen into 3 part. one is for your code and the other two is for the input and output section.

Image of Sublime partition

2 . Then click Tools > Build System > New Build System Now a file will be open. In that file, you need to paste the below code.

    "shell_cmd": "g++ \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\"",
    "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
    "working_dir": "${file_path}",
    "selector": "source.c, source.c++",
            "name": "Run",
            "shell_cmd": "g++ -O2 -static -Wno-unused-result -std=c++17 -DONLINEJUDGE \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\" && \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\""

Almost done!

3 . Now Save this file and remember the name of the file it will need in step 7 . and the file extension will be .sublime-build

4 . Now Create a Folder. And Make .cpp file and two .txt file. Make sure that those three files are in a directory.

5 . Now add your Folder in sublime. Click File > Open Folder and select your folder.

Folder adding

When your add a file in a section then instantly save this file in that section by clicking ctr+s

6 . Now Past this is in your .cpp file

using namespace    std;

int main(){

       clock_t tStart = clock();
       freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); //can need to change file . this one for taking input
       freopen("output.txt","w",stdout); // this one for output

       //Your Code

     fprintf(stderr, "\n>> Runtime: %.10fs\n", (double) (clock() - tStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); // this line gives your code runtime

   return 0;

7 . now click Tools > Build System > select file which is created in step 3. Now write an input and output code and save input in the input file.

8 . press ctrl + shift + B and a pop up will bring your sublime click one which has -Run part. WOW See you can successfully Generate your output.

9 . Now whenever you need to compile your code just click ctrl + B and you will compile and generate an output corresponding to your input.